Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Planes?

Most of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists already believe that the twin towers were brought down by demolition explosives, that the pentagon was not hit by an actual plane (maybe a drone or missile or just explosives), and notice a serious lack of wreckage from flight 93 that we were told crashed in PA.
However, most start with the assumption that planes DID actually hit the twin towers due to the video footage. We all saw it happen, right? But if there were likely no planes at either the Pentagon or the crash site in PA, could they have faked them in NYC - on LIVE tv?! What if there were never any planes at the twin towers to begin with there either?! It's amazing how we watch movies every day that create scenes that don't exist, but we just assume the news on the TV is real. The possibilities this video brought up just blew my mind. Try to ignore the goofy 'rockstar' presenter and especially his 'song' at the end. There are still good facts in this video.

 Here's the entire playlist on his 9/11 investigation videos if you want to watch.

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