Sunday, March 28, 2010

Watch legs grow out in Jesus's name!

This is from's youtube channel:

This happened today (11-28-09) at Bethels healing rooms. I had met the girl earlier and her tailbone had a growth on it that made it too longso we prayed and the growth disapeared and we also found that her one leg was about an inch and a half shorter than the other. So we prayed and it grew out right in front of our eyes!

At this point, she was about 4 feet 9 inches tall.

The lady she stands next to at the end of the video is 4 feet 11 inches tall. After we prayed the first time I just felt like asking, So do you want to be taller? and she excitedly agreed. We prayed several times and this is the result that happened. As you can plainly see at the end of the video, she is now a good 2 inches or so taller than her friend.

She GREW FOUR INCHES in a matter of 15 minutes in front of at least a dozen people.

The even more amazing thing is that doctors had told her when she was much younger that her bones were fused in a way that she would never grow another inch. So Jesus grew her four! COME ON.

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