Saturday, February 20, 2010

Medina on Beck about 9/11

In case you haven't been following the TX Governor's race, Debra Medina has been a strong opponent to Rick Perry (current gov)lately. She went on Glenn Beck only to be asked/ambushed whether she questions 9/11. Not that 9/11 has much to do with TX politics, she gave a mild answer that there are some valid questions. What is interesting is why Beck thought this was of importance, how he demonized her for such a mild answer, and how many media outlets claimed her campaign was over after this. From infowars: Even though in merely refusing to completely accept the official version of events, Medina stands firmly with the majority of Americans. An October 2006 CBS/New York Times poll found that only 16% of Americans thought the government told the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks. Medina is in agreement with no less than 84% of Americans who do not readily accept the official story as true.

I think though the callers at KLIF 570 in Dallas showed though what people really believe.

Check out the audio from Beck's show and KLIF's callers:

Medina on Beck:

Callers react:

Medina on KLIF afterwards:

A full article on this incident is here at

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