Sunday, November 15, 2009

The New Age in "Christian" Churches

I heard an interview with Constance Cumbey on a Christian podcasts about her research about the new age. She wrote the book, The Hidden Danger of the Rainbow.

Here's a lecture she gave:

Here is a former new age follower, Warren Smith, warning pastors about its presence in our society.

Walter Veith has done an extensive lecture on the new age movement and its influence on the UN. He quotes the new age leaders books extensively. Video description: A look at how all religions are converging upon a universal Christ who satisfies them all. An in-depth analysis of the new age agenda including a look at Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, the use of subliminals, the new age movement, Buddhism, false christs, Benjamin Creme, and the value system of the new age movement. Using direct quotes from thought leaders in each of these fields, the curtain is stripped away, and the true purpose is revealed.

He gets into some interesting topics such as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses being started by 33 degree Freemasons, all NASA astronauts being Mormons or Freemasons, showing how the core of all of these is to deny Jesus's divinity. He also compares new age beliefs with Bible teachings.

Here is an old video from 1983 from someone who investigates the new age movement. It shows how the new agers are calling for a New World Order and are waiting for their new aquarian christ which they claim is an office rather than a person. This sounds a lot like an anti-christ. It also links the new age movement to nazism and anti-semitism. The first hour shows the new age movement, and after that the reporter interviews new age movement researchers like Cumbey (from earlier in the post) who describe all the link.

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