Friday, December 28, 2012

What is going on in Sandy Hook?!

High weirdness with the Sandy Hook Massacre

I can't decide if this really happened and was a satanic ritual (see HERE  and below pic for details).

Not to mention THIS!


Or if this was total hoax! Did anyone actually die? The whole things is so strange you need to look over all the info. And then be as confused as I am.
First - all the inconsistencies like multiple shooters with live footage of someone being chased in the nearby woods - see HERE.  These people who were seen on camera and by witnesses are never explained:

From the very creepy medical examiner and avoidance of questions by police:

To the RIP Victoria Soto Facebook Pages being created 4 days BEFORE the shooting:

Don't forget this strange interview by her family in which NO ONE looks like they just lost a child or sibling.  (I will say that everyone responds to death differently, but everyone giving interviews is lacking actual tears and many do not seem upset.)  Notice the first one a father of a victim and the family of Vicki Soto. 

Claims of fake victim photos taken from real people HERE

Then there are these people giving interviews who when investigated seem to be someone else and have connections with the Gifford shooting in AZ by another deranged young white male.

And how about all the connections with Batman, The Dark Knight Rises Movie (and shooting):

More weird connections discussed HERE.

Also he wasn't driving his mom's car.  (see HERE) Was HE even there?  Who knows?!

HERE and HERE are well written pieces tying in several inconsistencies.  HERE's an entire website dedicated to it.

And there is NO surveillance camera footage from inside or outside the school being released.  If nothing else, this is SO STRANGE.  Moral of the story: Make sure that you look to Y'Shua (Jesus) for truth and not the TV.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Massacre Shooters' Fathers Linked to LIBOR

From Fabian4Liberty:

The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested.  

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a motive and a link. This coincidence is impossible to overlook. Two mass shootings connected to LIBOR.


Also - maybe more than one shooter:


A Witch Finds Yeshua!

From Last Trumpet Ministries:

(A True Story)

Witchcraft is very real but greatly misunderstood. I know because witchcraft goes back on the paternal side of my family for over five generations to Chesterfield, Massachusetts in 1770.

My great grandmother became a well-known witch in Wisconsin in the early days of this century. Caroline was a blind witch and used her fingers to read palms and also became adept at putting “the hex” on people.

Many spooky things would happen in our family. Dishes would slide off from shelves, light bulbs would unscrew and fall to the floor, filmy apparitions would appear and vanish, and this sort of thing became a way of life.

In one instance, my father was riding with my grandfather in a horse-drawn wagon, when a filmy white apparition appeared in front of the horse, causing the horse to rear up on its hind legs. Surrounded by electrifying fear, my grandfather cracked the whip and the wagon lurched forward and on its way.

My father also watched in stunned amazement when, on another occasion, an unhitched wagon loaded with hay went up a steep hill by itself.

Halloween was a special time for me, as I was growing up in Clintonville, Wisconsin. I had given my heart and soul to that day called “Samhain” (pronounced Sow-en). I had learned that the pagan Sabot of Samhain was a time when the barrier between the mundane and astral planes was very thin and departed spirits easily crossed over.’

I also learned that the Roman Catholic Church copied and re-named all of the eight sabbots. Not only had Samhain become Halloween, but the Winter Solstice became Christmas, Imbolg became Candlemass, Beltaine became May Day, and Lughnasadh became Lammas.

The vernal equinox was celebrated as Easter, which is always the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.

Halloween was my special time, when I felt drawn to become like my great grandmother. I wasn’t interested in the silliness of the Catholic Halloween. I wanted real magic. The so-called “Christians” were cursing themselves and their children by copying the craft that their tenets forbade. I knew full well that so-called Christians were copying what my spiritual ancestors had done for many centuries.

The powerful witches, known as Grand Druids or men of the oaks, that lived in the ancient British Isles gathered at Stonehedge on October 31st. These ancient witches practiced human sacrifice, hollowed out pumpkins and turnips, carving faces in them, and then used candles made from human tallow to illuminate them.

The druids played games such as bobbing for apples, as they floated in a tub of October ale. The druids also practiced ritual sex known as the “Great Rite”, as the fires blazed forth in the darkness of the giant stone monoliths of Stonehenge near Salisbury, England.

The apple was thought to be sacred, because when cut in half cross-wise, the core would reveal the Pentacle or five pointed star. The five points of this star represented Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Spirit.

When I was 13 years old, I began to invite the spirits of my deceased great grandmother into myself. Soon I began to acquire powers and became an adept astrologer and palm reader. I also practiced numerology and was becoming a very powerful witch. Many people followed me — and the advice that I gave them. I had achieved a great measure of success.

By the time I was 19, I had reached my first goal. I was a powerful witch. Then, very suddenly, the realization hit me that I was making predictions without looking at my charts. I would blurt out predictions in minute detail, and they would come to pass. I became frightfully aware that I had become a sending station and was dispatching spirits to make my predictions come true. I predicted accidents and tragedies, and suddenly I became filled with overwhelming fear.

I did not know it at the time, but a dear old woman had been praying for me every day for a long time. She had known my grandparents, and God used her to pray me out of darkness. I was completely disabled by fear, which God, in His mercy, allowed to come upon me.

A friend that I knew in high school persuaded me to come to church with him. It was a small apostolic church. I soon found myself on my knees repenting, as I had now found a power far greater than all witchcraft. One week later I was baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ. The next week I was baptized in the Holy Ghost.

I felt fifty pounds lighter, as many evil spirits fled from me as I yielded myself completely to my newfound friend, the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Now I have no fear and am a true minister of the Gospel.

This tract, that you are reading, has been prayed over. Now that you have read it, you will never be the same. You will not be able to get this out of your mind.

Most so-called “Christian” churches are phony, but the Lord Jesus is real. Why live in fear and end up in damnation? I can help you! Please write to the address below and we will contact you.

With a prayer for you,

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Ministries International
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Maybe there really is a reason for the season...

Here's a great blogpost that describes in detail all the aspects of Christmas and its pagan roots.

Great overview video including some disturbing footage around the 1 hr mark with modern takes on the ancient Santa Claus and his helpers which is still celebrated all over Europe. I'll give you a hint that they are not elves!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Innocent Jailed Man Receives a Moment of Grace

Morton was released from prison last year after it was discovered he was innocent of his wife’s murder. He’d spent 25 years behind bars. Smith asked Morton about the challenges of serving time, the murder of his wife, and his eventual release from prison. Throughout the interview, Morton reiterated his disinterest in revenge but expressed a desire to make public officials accountable. Audience members asked Morton about his renewed faith, hopes for the future, threats of violence behind bars, and coping with the death of his wife.

The first 7 minutes of this video talk about his supernatural experience when he finally cried out to God in prison.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Atheist dies-goes to hell-and then meets Jesus

Ian McCormack's testimony of his near death experience after being stung by 5 box jellyfish while night diving.  This is a wonderful story about how his mother's intercessory prayers gave him the needed reminder to reach out the Lord while dying and ask for His forgiveness.  He had a long discussion with the our Lord at the end where He backed everything He told Ian up with a scripture reference (last 20 minutes).

Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Howard Storm Testimony

I recently watched another version of this and was so moved I wanted to find a longer version.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Buddhist monk returns from the dead proclaiming Jesus as Lord!

While rewatching Finger of God today, I looked up this story mentioned in the film.

The Remarkable Testimony of a Buddhist monk in Myanmar (Burma) who came back to life a changed man!
The story that follows is simply a translation of a taped testimony from a man with a life-changing story. It is not an interview or a biography, but simply the words from the man himself. Different people react in different ways when they hear this story. Some are inspired, some skeptical, a few will mock and ridicule, while some others have even been filled with rage and anger, convinced these words are the ravings of a mad man or an elaborate deception. Some Christians have opposed the story simply because the radical and miraculous events described herein do not fit their feeble image of an Almighty God. 

We were first made aware of this story from several Burmese church leaders who shared it with us. These leaders had looked into the story and had not found any suggestion of it being a hoax. It was with this in mind that we decided to step out and circulate the story. We do not do so for any monetary gain, or with a motivation of self-promotion. We just want to let the story speak for itself, and invite Christian believers to judge it according to Scripture. If God wants any part of it to be intended for His glory or to encourage His people, then we pray His Spirit will work in the hearts of the readers in those ways. 

Some people have told us they think the monk in this story never actually died, but that he just lapsed into unconsciousness, and the things he saw and heard were part of a fever-driven hallucination. Whatever you think, the simple fact remains that the events of this story so radically transformed this man that his life took on a complete 180-degree shift after the events described below. He has fearlessly and boldly told his story at great personal cost, including imprisonment. He has been scorned by his relatives, friends and colleagues, and faced death threats for his unwillingness to compromise his message. What motivated this man to be willing to risk everything? Whether we believe him or not, his story is surely worth listening to and considering. In the cynical West many people demand hard evidence of such things, evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Can we absolutely guarantee, beyond doubt, that all of these things happened? No, we cannot. But we feel it is worth repeating this man's story in his own words so that readers can judge for themselves.

My Early Years
Hello! My name is Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu. I am from the country of Myanmar. I would like to share with you my testimony of what happened to me, but first I would like to give some brief background information from my life growing up. 

I was born in 1958 in the town of Bogale, on the Irrawaddy Delta area of southern Myanmar [formerly Burma]. My parents, who were devout Buddhists like most people in Myanmar, named me Thitpin [which means 'tree' in English]. Our lives were very simple where I grew up. At the age of 13 I left school and started working on a fishing boat. We caught fish and sometimes also shrimp from the numerous rivers and streams in the Irrawaddy area. At the age of 16 I became the leader of the boat. At this time I lived in Upper Mainmahlagyon Island [Mainmahlagyon means 'Beautiful Woman Island' in English], just north of Bogale where I was born. This place is about 100 miles southwest of Yangon [Rangoon], our nation's capitol city. 

One day, when I was 17, we caught a large number of fish in our nets. Because of the many fish, a large crocodile was attracted to us. It followed our boat and tried to attack us. We were terrified so we frantically rowed our boats toward the riverbank as fast as we could. The crocodile followed us and smashed our boat with its tail. Although no one died in this incident, the attack greatly affected my life. I no longer wanted to fish. Our small boat sank because of the crocodile attack. We had to go home to our village that night on a passenger boat. 

Not long after, his employers transferred my father to Yangon City [formerly spelt Rangoon]. At the age of 18 I was sent to a Buddhist monastery to be a novice monk. Most parents in Myanmar try to send their son into a Buddhist monastery, at least for a time, as it is considered a great honor to have a son serve in this way. We have been observing this custom for many hundreds of years. 

A Zealous Disciple of Buddha
When I turned 19 years and 3 months old (in 1977), I became a normal monk. The senior monk at my monastery gave me a new Buddhist name, which is the custom in our country. I was now called U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya. When we become a monk we no longer use the name given to us at birth by our parents. The name of the monastery I lived at is called Mandalay Kyaikasan Kyaing. The senior monk's name was called U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw [U Zadila is his title]. He was the most famous Buddhist monk in all of Myanmar at the time. Everyone knew who he was. He was widely honored by the people and respected as a great teacher. I say he "was" because in 1983 he suddenly died when he was involved in a fatal car accident. His death shocked everyone. At the time I had been a monk for six years. 

I tried hard to be the best monk I could and to follow all the precepts of Buddhism. At one stage I moved to a cemetery where I lived and meditated continually. Some monks who really want to know the truths of Buddha do things like I did. Some move deep into the forests where they live a life of self-denial and poverty. I sought to deny my selfish thoughts and desires, to escape from sickness and suffering and to break free from the cycle of this world. At the cemetery I was not afraid of ghosts. I tried to attain such inner peace and self-realization that even when a mosquito landed on my arm I would let it bite me instead of brushing it off! 

For years I strived to be the best monk I could and not to harm any living being. I studied the holy Buddhist teachings just like all my forefathers had done before me. 

My life proceeded as a monk until I got very, very sick. I was in Mandalay at the time and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment. The doctors did some tests on me and told me I had both Yellow Fever and malaria at the same time! After about one month in the hospital I was getting worse. The doctors told me there was no chance for me to recover and discharged me to make arrangements to die. 

This is a brief description of my past. I would now like to tell you some of the remarkable things that happened to me after this time�..

A Vision that Changed My Life Forever
After I was discharged from the hospital I went back to the monastery where other monks cared for me. I grew weaker and weaker and was lapsing into unconsciousness. I learned later that I actually died for three days. My body decayed and stunk of death, and my heart stopped beating. My body was prepared for cremation and was put through traditional Buddhist purification rites.
Although I faded away in my body I remember my mind and spirit were fully alert. I was in a very, very powerful storm. A tremendous wind flattened the whole landscape until there were no trees or anything else standing, just a flat plain. I walked very fast along this plain for some time. There were no other people anywhere, I was all alone. After some time I crossed a river. On the other side of the river I saw a terrible, terrible lake of fire. In Buddhism we do not have a concept of a place like this. At first I was confused and didn't know it was hell until I saw Yama, the king of hell [Yama is the name ascribed to the King of Hell in numerous cultures throughout Asia]. His face looked like the face of a lion, his body was like a lion, but his legs were like a naga [serpent spirit]. He had a number of horns on his head. His face was very fierce, and I was extremely afraid. Trembling, I asked him his name. He replied, "I am the king of hell, the Destroyer." 

The terrible, terrible lake of fire
The king of hell told me to look into the lake of fire. I looked and I saw the saffron colored robes that Buddhist monks wear in Myanmar. I looked closer and saw the shaven head of a man. When I looked at the man's face I saw it was U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw [the famous monk who had died in a car accident in 1983]. I asked the king of hell why my former leader was confined to this lake of torment. I said, "Why is he in this lake of fire? He was a very good teacher. He even had a teaching tape called 'Are You a Man or a Dog?' which had helped thousands of people understand that their worth as humans is far greater than the animals." The king of hell replied, "Yes, he was a good teacher but he did not believe in Jesus Christ. That's why he is in hell." 

I was told to look at another person who was in the fire. I saw a man with very long hair wrapped on the left hand side of his head. He was also wearing a robe. I asked the king of hell, "Who is this man?" He replied, "This is the one you worship: Gautama [Buddha]." 

I was very disturbed to see Gautama in hell. I protested, "Gautama had good ethnics and good moral character, why is he suffering in this lake of fire?" The king of hell answered me, "It doesn't matter how good he was. He is in this place because he did not believe in the Eternal God." 

I then saw another man who looked like he was wearing a soldier's uniform. He had a large wound on his chest. I asked, "Who is this man?" The king of hell said, "This is Aung San, the revolutionary leader of Myanmar." I was told, "Aung San is here because he persecuted and killed Christians, but mostly because he didn't believe in Jesus Christ." In Myanmar the people have a common saying, "Soldiers never die, they live on." I was told that the legions of hell have a saying "Soldiers never die, but they go to hell forever." 

I looked and saw another man in the lake of fire. He was a very tall man and he was dressed in military armor. He was also holding a sword and a shield. This man had a wound on his forehead. This man was taller than any person I have ever seen. He was six times the length between a man's elbow and the tips of his fingers when he stretches his arm out straight, plus one span of a man's fingers when he spreads out his hand. The king of hell said, "This man's name is Goliath. He is in hell because he blasphemed the Eternal God and His servant David." I was confused because I didn't know who either Goliath or David were. The king of hell said, "Goliath is recorded in the Christian Bible. You don't know him now, but when you become a Christian you will know who he is."
I was then taken to a place where I saw both rich and poor people preparing to eat their evening meals. I asked, "Who cooked the food for these people?" The king of hell replied, "The poor have to prepare their own food, but the rich people get others to cook for them." When the food had been prepared for the rich people they sat down to eat. As soon as they started a thick smoke came up. The rich people ate as fast as they could to ease their consciences. They were struggling to breath because of the smoke. They had to eat fast because they were fearful of losing their money. Their money is their god. 

Another king of hell then came to me. I also saw a being whose job is to stoke the fires beneath the lake of fire, to keep it hot. This being asked me, "Are you going into the lake of fire too?" I replied, "No! I am only here to observe!" The appearance of this creature stoking the fire was very terrifying. He had ten horns on his head and a spear in his hand that had seven sharp blades coming from the end. The creature told me, "You are right. You came here just to observe. I cannot find your name here." He said, "You must now go back the way you came." He pointed me toward the desolate plain that I had first walked along before I came to the lake of fire. 

The Road of Decision
I walked a long time, until I was bleeding. I was hot and in great pain. Finally, after walking for about three hours I came to a wide road. I walked along this road for some time until I came to a fork. One road, going off to the left, was wide. A smaller road went off to the right hand side. There was a signpost at the fork saying that the road to the left was for those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The smaller road to the right was for believers in Jesus. 

I was interested to see where the larger road led so I started down it. There were two men walking about 300 yards ahead of me. I tried to catch up with them so I could walk with them but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch them up, so I turned around and went back to the fork in the road. I continued to watch these two men as they walked down the road away from me. When they reached the end of the road they were suddenly stabbed. These two men cried out in great pain! I also cried out when I saw what happened to them! I realized the bigger road ended in great danger for those who traveled down it. 

Looking into Heaven
I started walking down the believers' road instead. After traveling for about one hour the surface of the road turned to pure gold. It was so pure that when I looked down I could see my own reflection perfectly. I then saw a man standing in front of me. He was wearing a white robe. I also heard beautiful singing. Oh, it was so beautiful and pure! It was much better and more meaningful than the worship we have in churches here on the earth. The man in the white robe asked me to walk with him. I asked him, "What is your name?" but he did not answer. After I asked his name six times the man answered, "I am the one who holds the key to heaven. Heaven is a very, very beautiful place. You cannot go there now but if you follow Jesus Christ you can go there after your life has finished on the earth." The man's name was Peter. 

Peter then asked me to sit down and he showed me a place to the north. Peter said, "Look to the north and see God create man." I saw the Eternal God from a distance. God spoke to an angel, "Let us make man." The angel pleaded with God and said, "Please don't make man. He will do wrong and will grieve you." [In Burmese literally: "He will make you lose face."]. But God created a man named anyway. God blew on the man and the man came to life. He gave him the name "Adam". [Note: Buddhists do not believe in the Creation of the world or of man, so this experience had a significant impact on the monk]. 

Sent Back with a New Name
Then Peter said, "Now get up and go back to where you came from. Speak to the people who worship Buddha and who worship idols. Tell them they must go to hell if they don't change. Those who build temples and idols will also have to go to hell. Those who give offerings to the monks to earn merit for themselves with go to hell. All those who pray to the monks and call them 'Pra' [respectful title for monks] will go to hell. Those who chant and 'give life' to idols will go to hell. All those who don't believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell." Peter told me to go back to the earth and testify about the things I had seen. He also said, "You must speak in your new name. From now on you are to be called Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu ["Paul who Came Back to Life."]. 

I didn't want to go back. I wanted to go to heaven. Angels opened a book. First they looked for my childhood name (Thitpin) in the book, but they could not find it. They then looked for the name I had been given when he entered the Buddhist monk hood (U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya) but it wasn't written in the book either. Then Peter said, "Your name is not written here, you must return and testify about Jesus to the Buddhist people." 

I walked back along the gold road. Again I heard beautiful singing, the kind of which I have never heard before or since. Peter walked with me until the time I returned to the earth. He showed me a ladder that reached down from the heaven to the sky. The ladder didn't reach to the earth, but stopped in mid-air. On the ladder I saw many angels, some going up to heaven and some going down the ladder. They were very busy. I asked Peter, "Who are they?" Peter answered, "They are messengers of God. They are reporting to heaven the names of all those who believe in Jesus Christ and the names of those who don't believe." Peter then told me it was time to go back. 

It is a Ghost!
The next thing I was aware of was the sound of weeping. I heard my own mother cry out, "My son, why did you leave us now?" I also heard many other people weeping. I realized I was lying in a box. I started to move. My mother and father started shouting, "He is alive! He is alive!" Other people who were farther away did not believe my parents. I then placed my hands on the sides of the box and sat upright. Many people were struck with terror. They cried out, "It is a ghost!" and ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 

Those who remained were speechless and trembling. I noticed I was sitting in smelly liquid and body fluids, enough to fill about three and a half cups. This was liquid that had come out of my stomach and my insides while my body was lying in the coffin. This is why people knew I had indeed been dead. Inside the coffin there was a type of plastic sheet fixed to the wood. This sheet is placed there to retain a corpse's liquids, because many dead bodies release much fluid like mine did. 

I learned later that I was just moments away from being cremated in the flames. In Myanmar people are placed in a coffin, the lid is then nailed shut, and the whole coffin is burned. When I came back to life my mother and father were being allowed to look at my body for the very last time. Moments later the lid of my coffin would have been nailed shut and I would have been cremated! 

I immediately started to explain the things I had seen and heard. People were astonished. I told them about the men I had seen in the lake of fire, and told them that only the Christians know the truth, that our forefathers and us have been deceived for thousands of years! I told them everything we believe is a lie. The people were astonished because they knew what kind of a monk I had been and how zealous I had been for the teachings of Buddha. 

In Myanmar when a person dies their name and age is written on the side of the coffin. When a monk dies, the monk's name, age and the number of years he has served as a monk are written on the side of the coffin. I had already been recorded as dead but as you can see, now I am alive! 

Since 'Paul who came back to life' experienced the above story he has remained a faithful witness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Burmese pastors have told us that he had led hundreds of other monks to faith in Christ. His testimony is obviously very uncompromising. Because of that, his message has offended many people who cannot accept there is only one Way to Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite great opposition, his experiences were so real to him that he has not wavered. After many years in the Buddhist monk hood, as a strict follower of Buddhist teachings, he immediately proclaimed the Gospel of Christ following his resurrection and exhorted other monks to forsake all false gods and follow Jesus Christ with all their hearts. Before the time of his sickness and death he had no exposure to Christianity at all. Everything he learned during those three days in the grave was new to his mind.
In a bid to get his message out to as many people as possible, this modern-day Lazarus began distributing audio and video cassette tapes with his story on them. The police and Buddhist authorities in Myanmar have done their utmost to gather these tapes up and destroy them. The testimony you have just read has been translated form one of those cassette tapes. We are told it is now quite dangerous for citizens of Myanmar to be in possession of these tapes.
His fearless testimony has landed him in prison at least once, where the authorities failed in their bid to silence him. Upon his release he continued to testify of the things he saw and heard. His current whereabouts are uncertain. One Burmese informant told us he is prison and may have been killed, while another informant was told he is now released from prison and is continuing his ministry.
Translated by:
Asian Minorities Outreach
P.O.Box 901
Palestine, TX 75802
E-Mail: monkstory@...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Heaven and Back

One lesson I learned after I drowned on a South American river was that to face life's challenges with gratitude and joy, a person must first lose his or her faith.

I am an experienced kayaker, but when I crested the top of a moderate waterfall while kayaking the Fuy River, I saw no clean exit to the tremendous turbulence at its bottom. I pragmatically assumed I would tip over at the bottom, then exit my boat and be briefly tossed about in the turbulence before surfacing and swimming downstream.

When my boat struck the bottom with a thud, I was immediately submerged. As a spine surgeon, I am familiar and comfortable with stressful situations. I remained calm as I sequentially went through the steps to extricate myself: detaching my spray skirt (neoprene fabric that keeps water out of the boat by stretching between the kayaker's waist and the boat's cockpit rim), pushing myself out of the boat with my feet, and trying to free the boat by rocking back and forth. I had no air, was too far from shore for anyone to reach me and my self-rescue was prevented by the flowing water flattening my torso against the front deck of my boat. After a lifetime of fearing a drowning death, the irony of my predicament almost made me chuckle.

Like 92 percent of Americans at that time, I believed in God. I attended Sunday school as a child and accepted Christ as my savior as a teenager. My moderate faith in religious truths easily faded into the background of my busy life when I left for college, but I called to God on the river, asking only that His will be done.

I was immediately overcome with a physical sensation of being held, comforted, and reassured that everything would be fine regardless of whether I lived or died. I was presented with a short review of my life, emphasizing the unseen ripple effects of particular events rather than the event itself. The scientific, analytical and skeptical part of my brain observed this with interest and curiosity. I was acutely aware of my situation; I knew I had been underwater too long to be alive but also knew that this experience did not have the quality of a dream or hallucination, was not the result of a dying brain and could not have been created by my limited imagination.

My legs bent backward on themselves as the current slowly pulled my body downstream over the front deck of my boat but I felt no pain as they were breaking. My spirit peeled away from my discarded body and as I rose up and out of the river, I was joyously greeted by a group of old friends. I watched my body be pulled to the riverbank and as CPR was initiated, I was guided down a path to a domed building that not only exuded a brilliance of color and beauty, but also exploded with the pure, complete and unconditional love of God. I felt like I was finally home. Despite my protests, I was eventually returned to my body with words of encouragement and instruction regarding my future.

I was hospitalized for many weeks after my drowning, underwent many surgeries on my broken legs and suffered the losses of both my father and stepfather. I struggled to reconcile my understanding of medical science with the reality of my experience. I analyzed the experiences, reviewed my medical records and corroborated events with others. I listened to the stories of my patients who cautiously asked to share with me their own experience of Godly intervention. I struggled with the instructions I had been given, especially as they related to the future death of my son.

I lost my faith; it was transformed into a complete trust in the promises of God. This changed me as a person and as a doctor. Trusting that God loves us unconditionally, that spiritual life is eternal and that He as a beautiful plan for each of us, allowed me to face struggles with gratitude and joy. Each event, neither good nor bad, is like a small thread woven together with others to create a glorious tapestry of God's design. I do not fear death. I am more tolerant of other people's actions. I observe the world with an open heart.

I have not discarded the truth of scientific discovery nor discount its value to society, but the boundaries between God and medicine have been forever shattered. I pray for my patients. I help them perceive a beautiful opportunity for growth in an otherwise dire situation.

Spiritual curiosity while experiencing the presence of God in one's life transforms faith into the trust that provides confidence to face life's most difficult challenges with gratitude and joy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Father of Lights Trailer!

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Know Your Enemy by the Fuel Project

Amazing video series that basically takes you through the history of the world as seen through a Biblical perspective! It basically all comes back to the One True God and His Son versus the mystery religion. Really, really well done. Fair warning - it is long, but fascinating!!

Here's the description from the DVD store page:
The name Babylon occurs in the Bible almost three-hundred times. The majority of those references are in the Old Testament - and with good reason. It was the first great city of the world and the capital of the first kingdom. In fact, it may well have been the greatest empire of all time. However, Babylon is much more than this. The Bible clearly and intriguingly states that "Mystery Babylon" is also the source of all abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17:5) – a fountainhead of evil that began flowing through history thousands of years ago and which profoundly impacts the world today… in ways most don't realize. Indeed, Revelation tells us that Mystery Babylon will survive until the end of time when God finally judges it with terminal violence.

This series is a walk-through history that follows the threads, exposes the idolatry, the symbolism and the perverted thought-processes that originated in Babylon. We discover its influence in all false religions including Catholicism and Islam, astrology, freemasonry, world-famous landmarks, the theory of evolution, philosophy, the United Nations, the European Union and much, much more. We discover that ever since God scattered the Babylonians back in Genesis 11, it has been Satan's intention to reverse the process and bring the whole world back together again under a single world system, ruled by the Antichrist. Above all we learn how to recognize our enemy so that we will not be deceived and instead live with faith, hope, love and courage in the face of Babylon’s demonic schemes.

This is a series of 77 videos (almost 11 hrs). I've embedded the playlist so it will go continue to play through all the videos.

Here's the topic list in case you have a particular interest.
1. Introduction

2. Lucifer

3. Adam to Nimrod

4. Babylon

5. Semiramis

6. Tower of Babel: The Mountain

7. Tower of Babel: Heaven

8. The Mysteries

9. The Birth of Tammuz & Polytheism

10. The Scattering

11. God's Masterplan

12. The Plagues

13. The Desert Years

14. Plan A & Plan B

15. Ahab & Jezebel

16. God v Baal

17. The Jezebel Spirit

18. Neo-Babylon

19. The Four Kingdoms

20. The Pergamos

21. Caesar

22. Jesus

23. Roman Catholicism

24. Catholic Symbols I

25. Catholic Symbols II

26. Islam & Muhammad

27. Allah

28. The Kabah

29. The Islamic - Catholic Connection

30. The Dark Ages

31. The Information War I

32. The Information War II

33. The Jesuits

34. The Spiritual Exercises

35. The Jesuit Oath

36. Jesuit Deception

37. The Rise & Fall of the Jesuits

38. The Enlightenment

39. Deism

40. Freemasons

41. The Illuminati

42. Illuminati Themes

43. Masonic Symbols I

44. Masonic Symbols II

45. Republics

46. Science Dictatorships

47. Evolution

48. Population Control

49. The Hegelian Principle

50. The French Revolution

51. The American Revolution

52. The Hidden Hand

53. The Capitol

54. American Symbols

55. Lilith

56. Bohemian Grove

57. The Rothschild Era - Usury

58. The Rothschild Era - 19th Century Timeline

59. The Fed, The Jews & Three World Wars

60. Are The Jews To Blame?

61. The European Union - Rome Reborn

62. European Symbols

63. The United Nations Background

64. The Spiritual United Nations

65. The World Core Curriculum

66. Alice A Bailey

67. The War on Parents

68. Truth v Unity

69. Tolerance

70. The United Religions

71. Israeli Supreme Court

72. Mormonism

73. Jehovah's Witnesses

74. The Emerging Church - Christianity + Postmodernism

75. The Emerging Church - Road to Rome

76. The Emerging Church - Road to the One World Religion

77. God Wins

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sneak Peak: Father of Lights

No video, but while searching for info on Ravi Kandal, I found this email that Darren Wilson had sent someone (read below). They posted it HERE.

Ravi Kandal, Born in India and at the age of 17 after hearing the audible voice of God, he gave his life to Jesus Christ. From that time Ravi's heart has been stirred with the same message that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples... to seek and save the lost. His ministry follows after the heart of God not only by preaching but by showing God's heart for the untouchables of India by :

Feeding and clothing the widows, orphans,poor, and the forgotten.
Generating income for the widows.
Planting over 200 churches.

Being a distinctive prophet who ministers according to the voice of God.

Learn More About Ravi


God is Moving Powerful Ways

The Finger of God film crew that came last week to get footage with Ravi. They had heard about the way God uses Ravi to reach out to people and wanted to put it in their next documentary. They were so pleased with what they were able to get on footage. Daren does a great job highlighting what God did in their time, so I wanted to share what he wrote.

Here is what Daren had to say:

"I have no idea how in the world I'm going to be able to explain all that's happened the last two days, but I guess I have to at least try. We have seen and been part of stuff that really has to be seen to be believed. We're talking unheard of, historic stuff. We have truly been in what we now term "Ravi's world", and let me tell you it is a WILD place to be.

It started with a 5 hour car ride down to Mysore. We finally get here and go straight to the village, which is in the middle of NOWHERE. Ravi had never been there, but he told us the Lord showed him a little bridge with a water pump just beyond it, that's how he'd know this was it. He also gave Ravi directions on how to get there. So we drive for forever, park the car, walk about 10 minutes and round a bend, and there is a little bridge with a water pump just beyond it. Wow. Good start. So we enter the village and a little group of about 20 people form. Ravi preaches the gospel, and all the children and a handful of adults accept Christ. During Ravi's preaching, about 9 guys holding machetes enter the village and stand menacingly around us. At this point we're all officially peeing our pants, including Ravi. These guys just came from the nearby temple which they were preparing for a major festival that only happens once every 5 years and has more than 10,000 people come for blessings and sacrifices. These guys could have hacked us to pieces and no one would have ever found us, I mean, we are in the extreme boonies of India. The people of this village are called "the forest people" if that gives you any idea. But Ravi keeps going, and eventually these guys dissipate and we all breathe a little easier.

When he's done preaching, he calls one guy up and prays for him individually. Ravi is so excited at this point he's nearly bursting. Come to find out this guy is the head honcho of this major temple festival, and he's telling Ravi that he has never heard this good news before, and that he finally has peace inside him and is so happy to know this truth that he wants to go tell all his family and friends about this Jesus right now. And so that's what he did! Now Christ is going to be preached to this entire region at this festival, through the guy who's in charge of it all, and it just happens to be this coming March! How's that for timing!?

After that it's time to go to Mr. Witch Doctor, which I think all of us had been kind of dreading. This guy was by far the most powerful witch doctor Ravi has ever approached, and he's actually the guy in charge of Hinduism for the entire Mysore region. Kind of like the godfather. He and his wife have gotten their formidable powers through killing newborns. This guy is no joke.

So we pull over and walk up to this little outcrop of tiny shacks. His "handlers" meet us and tell us he's not home. Yeah right. So we walk back towards his house, with more than a little trepidation. All day we kept hearing, if you see the white powder, run! He recently threw this white powder on some Christians trying to do what we were about to do and they died two weeks later despite hundreds praying to break the curse.

So we approached his hut and were met by his wife, who was chattering away. I looked down and saw the white powder on the bottom of the doorway and just thought, "Okay then, here we go!". But when Ravi talked to the wife for a minute, we discovered that the witch doctor was not going to come out to us. He was scared to death! Ravi stepped over the white powder and into the guys doorway, where he stood talking to him. Then we all stepped over it. The guy was freaking out inside because he had lost all his powers and we had done the unthinkable: we had broken his barrier. All other Christians who had tried to approach his house either could not physically get past that or they had been driven mad.

Then, Ravi prayed at his doorway and asked Jesus to take away all this guys powers for good and take this area for Himself. He kept trying to get the guy to come out but he could barely move he was so frightened of us.

One funny thing that happened in the middle of all this tension was I realized it was too dark to film into his hut with my camera so I called Matt over because his camera does better in the dark. So Matt steps into the doorway of this super famous, super powerful witch doctor, gives him one of his big goofy grins, waves like an 8 year old and says, "How ya doing?" it was priceless, and pure Matt.

After that we left. Ravi said there were no demons anywhere, and the power of this guy had been broken. We went to our hotel, a literal palace, albeit a slightly run down one (this IS India) and Ravi and I sat outside for a good long while and we talked a ton. The Lord had told him to allow me to ask anything, so I was able to get a lot of very specific direction about my immediate future and Wanderlust, some of it quite surprising.

An angel had met with Ravi to tell him that his mission with that witch doctor is complete. Apparently the guy had brought together tons of people to pray against is that morning. Shortly before we got to his house, he lost his powers, and that's why he was so terrified of us when we showed up. Ravi asked why we had to go then, and the angel told him it was to pray and put a seal on that place for good. So that's our story of spiritually bulldozing the great and powerful witch doctor in India!

Today it just got more unbelievable. We woke up and checked out, then went up to this famous Hindu temple on this mountain. The Lord had shown Ravi two priests (Hindu) he was supposed to find and minister to. We got to this big square, and immediately he saw the first one. He approached him, and discovered this guy had somehow been expecting him. He even knew Ravi's name! Ravi told him the gospel, but he was a little more argumentative about the theology, so Ravi wonders if his job was just to plant a seed. Then there was one more guy to find, and Ravi told us what he looked like so we could help him find him. He supposedly had a long white beard and was wearing a turban. There were a bunch of people all over the place so we just started walking around looking for this guy. After about two minutes Ravi says, "there he is, we've got him!" and we look over and sure enough there's an old guy in Hindu priests robes with a long white beard and a turban on his head! We even have Braden on camera saying, "Holy Frick!". This may be normal to Ravi, but it was CRAZY to experience it first hand.

So he approached the guy and started talking to him. Amazingly, this guy had actually traveled in the Himalayas and had run into those Christian intercessors who live up there (some of you may have heard me tell Ravi's story about them) and they told him he needed to talk to a man named Ravi Kandal. Then a few days ago, this guy had a dream where someone (he didn't know who it was, but after all this happened he realized it was Jesus) told him he needed to meet a man named Ravi and listen to what he says. But he didn't know how to find Ravi. So he had just traveled 10 hours to get to this temple (because in that dream, Jesus told him to go there now and Ravi would find him) and he had brought many of his followers with him. He has been a priest for a very long time and was actually a Maharishi, which means he was in charge of many priests/gurus (kind of like a bishop). Ravi told us later that it is UNHEARD OF for a Maharishi to be presented with the gospel. He should have incited a mob against us and had us stoned to death, or at least beaten up. That's what normally would/should happen. But a crowd was forming, so he asked Ravi if we could go somewhere private. We followed him to a smaller temple area a short ways away where Ravi told him the full gospel. He accepted the Lord right then and there, and was completely overjoyed. He said he's never felt such joy and peace inside, and he was going to go tell all his followers about this Jesus immediately. He said he felt so good he didn't want to leave!

With all these people, Ravi's pastors will be following up and discipling, etc...

So that has been our last two days!!! Last night Ravi was joking that we shouldn't have had so many people praying because it was all too easy! I thought that was funny. But we filmed some truly incredible, historic things here. God didn't just target people, He targeted big time leaders who will affect entire regions. And we filmed it all."

Daren Wilson

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Madonna's still got it. They don't call her the High Priestess for nothing!

Hop on over to Vigilant Citizen for a great breakdown of this year's Superbowl Halftime Show/Massive Occult Ritual. It's not just hotdogs and nachos!

Vigilant Citizen