Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized | Video on

Amazing video showing God's infinite wisdom in creating the complex systems that make up humans

Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized | Video on

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Against All Odds - Israel Survives

Great docudrama about miraculous events in Israel's history

You can rent it on youtube for $3! I love me some instant movies.

Israel's rebirth and survival in the 20th Century has been called a miracle. Those who were there cite their own experiences as proof. These are their stories. Completed in 2006 and as timely as today's headlines, Against All Odds: Israel Survives is a powerful and uplifting spiritual journey through Israel's turbulent history. Remarkable stories of awe-inspiring supernatural phenomena that helped to create and preserve modern Israel come to life in gripping dramatizations, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with the people who experienced these miracles of biblical proportions!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Near Death Experiences: Atheists visit hell

Visit this page to watch the video testimony of several men who died, visited hell, and came back to talk about it.

A very vivid and interesting account is around the 30 minute mark. Another man towards the end spent 3 days in the morgue. Yes, morgue!


For more experiences: visit HERE.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Man Healed of Brain Tumor - after God told him to stop chemo


Go read the article there because there is a video as well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Who is this Jesus who would help a dying Muslim?"

Dr. Nasir Siddiki: former Muslim businessman healed by Jesus from the worst case of shingles Toronto General Hospital had ever seen

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Great Testimony - Ex Porn Star Redeemed

Go to this LINK to hear about an ex-porn star redeemed and saved by Jesus from the industry who now has a the Pink Cross Ministry which helps other sex workers.

Hear the truth about porn and the people inside- the mental illness, drug abuse, STD, depression, and a history of sexual abuse previous to the industry. They don't actually "love" it. She reminds us that these girls are someone's daughter or sister who never dreamed of this life when they were little.

For more info, visit her WEBSITE.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Unbelievable Child Artist - Inspired by God

Check out her website for more:

When the boy from the previous post that wrote, Heaven is for Real,
saw her picture of Jesus she did at 8 years old (after looking at hundreds others), he said that's what he looks like. He had never said that before.

Click on the pictures in her gallery to find the meaning behind them. Many are inspired from visits to heaven or people the Lord guided her to draw.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden - Dead for days....or years?

Read this from Washington's Blog:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bin Laden Is Dead ... But Why Didn't We Kill Him 10 Years Ago?

President Obama announced tonight that U.S. special forces killed Osama Bin Laden.

That's great ... but we could have killed him years ago.

As I noted in 2009:

According to the U.S. Senate - Bin Laden was "within the grasp" of the U.S. military in Afghanistan in December 2001, but that then-secretary of defense Rumsfeld refused to provide the soldiers necessary to capture him.

This is not news: it was disclosed in 2005 by the CIA field commander for the area in Afghanistan where Bin Laden was holed up.

In addition, French soldiers allegedly say that they easily could have captured or killed Bin Laden in Afghanistan, but that the American commanders stopped them.


A retired Colonel and Fox News military analyst said that the U.S. could have killed Bin Laden in 2007, but didn't:

We know, with a 70 percent level of certainty — which is huge in the world of intelligence — that in August of 2007, bin Laden was in a convoy headed south from Tora Bora. We had his butt, on camera, on satellite. We were listening to his conversations. We had the world’s best hunters/killers — Seal Team 6 [Note: this is the exact same team that is credited with killing Bin Laden yesterday] — nearby. We had the world class Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) coordinating with the CIA and other agencies. We had unmanned drones overhead with missiles on their wings; we had the best Air Force on the planet, begging to drop one on the terrorist. We had him in our sights; we had done it ....Unbelievably, and in my opinion, criminally, we did not kill Usama bin Laden.
Indeed, a United States Congressman claims that the Bush administration intentionally let Bin Laden escape in order to justify the Iraq war.
Similarly, Cenk Uygur pointed out:
The New York Times reported ... that we sent in 36 U.S. Special Forces troops to get Osama bin Laden when we knew he was in Tora Bora. By contrast, we sent nearly 150,000 soldiers to get Saddam Hussein. In case you're keeping count at home, we got Saddam and we didn't get Osama. What does that tell you about this administration’s priorities? This goes beyond incompetence. If you send only 36 soldiers to get somebody in the middle of Afghanistan, it means you don’t want to get him...

Osama had about 1,500-2,000 well-armed, well-trained men in the region. 36 guys to get 2,000? Why would we let ourselves be outgunned like that?...

There is an inescapable fact – if you put this little effort into capturing someone, it means you don’t want to capture him.


If people inside the administration actually held back from capturing Osama bin Laden when we had him cornered, it borders on treason.
Postscript: Of course, some people claim that Bin Laden was actually killed years ago. But as I pointed out in 2009, whether or not he was alive or dead was less important than the fact that the American government pretended that he was a supremely powerful boogeyman who justified an endless and all-consuming war on terror:
Many people claim that Bin Laden died a long time ago. According to Israeli intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, and other sources, Bin Laden is dead.

According to video experts and and top Bin Laden experts, recent Bin Laden videos are fake.

So if Bin Laden is alive, American leaders have to explain why they have repeatedly chosen not to pull the trigger.

And if he is dead, they have to explain why they are claiming that he's alive and authenticating his videos.

And watch this from Alex Jones:

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scientific Study on Speaking in Tongues

MRI study shows that when people speak in tongues aren't using their frontal lobes which controls the language.

Monday, April 18, 2011

3 days - 241 tornado reports!


Historic Tornado Outbreak: 3 Days, 241 Tornado Reports, 14 States

By Meghan Evans, Meteorologist
Apr 18, 2011; 10:10 AM ET
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This image, courtesy of the National Weather Service Forecast Office in San Diego, Calif., shows tornado reports April 14-16, 2011 as of 12:00 p.m. EDT Sunday April 17, 2011.

From Thursday, April 14, 2011 to Saturday, April, 16, 2011, devastating tornadoes rampaged across communities of the southern United States. Cities and towns from Oklahoma to North Carolina were assaulted by the deadly twisters.

The tornado outbreak led to a total of 241 tornado reports in 14 states over the three-day period. This will likely rank this tornado outbreak among the largest in history.

Tragically, the death toll has risen to 39 people so far with dozens of others injured. The number of fatalities could rise as investigations continue. This tornado outbreak already ranks as the most deadly outbreak since the 2008 Super Tuesday tornado outbreak.

In North Carolina alone, close to two dozen people were killed on Saturday, while seven people were killed in Alabama on Friday.

One of the reasons for the deadly outcome of this tornado outbreak is likely due to the fact that highly populated areas of the nation were hit. The weather pattern can explain why these highly populated areas were struck.

Jackson, Miss., and Raleigh, N.C., are among the large cities that were struck by large, devastating twisters.

Numerous homes, businesses, churches and even schools have been severely damaged or destroyed in the path of the tornadoes.

Setup for Deadly Tornado Outbreak

Three ingredients were in place to allow this violent tornado outbreak to occur from the southern Plains to the Southeast: a powerful jet stream, abundant moisture and a strong cold front.

A powerful jet stream helped to enhance the thunderstorm growth, while moisture surging in from the Gulf of Mexico acted as fuel for the thunderstorms.

A strong cold front plowing across the South was the trigger that initiated the thunderstorm development.

The difference in the direction of wind in the upper atmosphere, southwesterly, and the lower atmosphere, southerly to southeasterly, added a twisting motion that helped the severe thunderstorms to develop rotation. Thus, the wind difference with height, referred to as wind shear by meteorologists, made the severe thunderstorms more likely to produce tornadoes.

There are a couple of factors that are making this year a more active severe weather year compared to normal and compared to last year.

The first factor is that the water in Gulf of Mexico is warmer than last year. This means that there is very warm, moist air in supply for storm systems to tap into and provide fuel for severe weather.

The second is that we are in one of the strongest La Nina patterns in recorded history.

"The strong La Nina pattern means that tremendous contrasts in air masses, with cool and dry air to the north and warm and steamy air to the south, are occurring over the Mississippi Valley. This puts many highly populated areas in the path of dangerous severe weather," said Expert Senior Meteorologist Henry Margusity.

Ranking of Tornado Outbreak Compared to Historic Outbreaks

This mid-April 2011 tornado outbreak is likely to rank among the largest tornado outbreaks in history with 241 tornado reports.

"There has not been a tornado outbreak in history over three days with this many tornadoes spawned by a single storm system," according to Margusity.

The notorious 1974 tornado outbreak, which occurred on April 3-4, 1974, produced 148 tornadoes over the course of two days and is thought of as one of the largest and deadliest tornado outbreak in history from one storm system.

In the infamous May 2003 tornado outbreak sequence (May 4-10), 401 tornadoes occurred. However, multiple storm systems moving from the Southwest into the Plains triggered these tornadoes.

"In 2004, there was a two-day tornado outbreak which produced 170 twisters. In the 2008 Super Tuesday tornado outbreak, there was 131 reported tornadoes in one day," added Margusity.

At this stage, an exact comparison to historic outbreaks in terms of the strength and number of tornadoes cannot be made. It will take weeks for the tornado surveys, which determine the strength and exact number of tornadoes, to be conducted.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Father of Lights - trailer

If you haven't seen Finger of God or Furious Love yet, you're missing out big time.
HERE'S a recent article about how all these films came about.

Here's the final movie for the trilogy!! I. Can't. Wait!!! Click HERE for more info.

Finger of God INFO & trailer You can also find Finger of God on youtube, but I recommend buying the deluxe DVD for all the extras. They are just as good as the movie!!

Furious Love INFO & Trailer

Furious Love Official Trailer from Wanderlust Productions on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011